The Family Center for Recovery also treats Adolescents dealing with substance abuse and mental health disorders in South Florida.

Alcohol Use Disorder & Other Disorders

About Alcohol Use Disorders (AUD) & Alcohol and Other Disorders (AOD) A majority of persons affected by alcohol use disorders (AUDs) are also affected by a co-occurring mental health or medical problem, with the prevalence statistically being between 25 and 50 percent.[1] Co-occurrence of more than one mental disorder is also not unusual[2]. According to…

Words from our Staff About Mental Health

Words from our Staff About Mental Health The stigma of having any mental disorder is very much more prevalent than we think. Growing up in Jamaica; disgrace and forlornness were always associated with any individual with mental illness. Without knowing better, I had grown in acceptance of this idea. When I was thirteen years old,…

boy being kissed by a dog

Changing the Stigma on Mental Health

Defining Terms: The Stigma of Mental Health Stigma:  A negative stereotype. Mental Health: Conditions that affect your mood, thinking and behavior Society’s Acceptance: Very Low. Why? Ignorance and a lack of Empathy Being diagnosed with a condition that affects the brain, which one has no control over, leaves so many answered and unanswered questions by the…

Treatment Options for Bipolar Disorder

About Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder may be a difficult diagnosis to live with, and finding successful personalized treatments is challenging. Oftentimes, treatment targets shift, patients are non-adherent to medication regimens, and comorbidity rates are extremely high.[1] Unfortunately, bipolar disorder is also associated with high rates of suicide, usually with more lethal means than other mental…

Why Did I Relapse During Addiction Recovery?

Embracing The “Failure” of Relapse Let’s get something straight: Relapse is not part of the process! It does happen often but let’s not get confused. Now if perhaps, you do relapse in recovery there is always something you can learn from this. “It’s failure that gives you the proper perspective on success.” – Ellen DeGeneres.…

Education for Autistic Children: A Guide For Parents

Navigating today’s educational system is not an easy or straightforward task for anyone, whether students, parents, teachers, or administrators. For parents of children with autism spectrum disorder, making sure your kids get a fair and useful education involves even more complicated considerations and decisions. This guide discusses issues surrounding the education of students on the autism…

Benzodiazepines & The Potential For Addiction

Benzodiazepines (BZDs) are a widely prescribed class of drugs that are commonly used to treat anxiety, insomnia, and seizure disorders.[1] In fact, listed among the top 100 commonly prescribed drugs are alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonopin), diazepam (Valium), and lorazepam (Ativan).[2] Generally, they are known to be safe, producing almost immediate effects and are commonly prescribed…

Psychiatrist Calls for Caution of Minors Using Cannabis

A state or territory has authorized the use of cannabis for medicinal or recreational purposes should not be an incentive for parents of adolescents to view with good eyes the consumption of this plant in their children, according to the American psychiatrist Robert Moran, specialist in the treatment of addictions. “The brain of an adult…